Tina Kolm is an experienced designer who creates expert concepts, layouts, and flawless production files for campaigns, publications, and products.
Layout design that is consistent across print and web collateral, yet shows variety within the parameters, creates a lively and engaging environment to visually express a brand look.
My work has included concepts, styling, layout and typography across all print and digital media for corporate, retail and entertainment.
My experience includes original concepting and design of office products, accessories, toys, collectibles, gifts, foods, housewares, greeting cards, and jewelry. My range of styles is broad and based on market and sales trends and data.
Emails are designed to appeal to the customer’s taste and provide a lot of information. After the list of product is supplied by the marketing department and the layout is designed in Photoshop, the image is sliced, and saved for web. The HTML template is updated in InDesign, images are uploaded to a cloud image server, and mailing lists and delivery is set via an email marketing content management system.
I have worked for major brands in licensed product design and have been on the agency side as well as the manufacturing end—in all cases making fun products and sales support collateral.
Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign are my playgrounds, and lettering art and spot illustrations are passions.